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nesting on the ROCK

parenting inspiration with a Biblical worldview

why a Biblical worldview?

Your view of the world matters. It shapes what you think the point of life is all about, what activities or relationships you should invest your time in, and what success in life looks like.   

At nesting on the rock, our goal is to equip Christian parents with the tools, frameworks, and resources they need to both have and pass on a Biblically-based worldview to their children.

The purpose of this website is to gather what we are learning along the way (real-time!) in order to inspire and encourage other parents as we try to shepherd our kids well. 

We do this by sharing:

+ books we are reading

+ ideas we are learning

+ discipleship resources we are using 

+ frameworks or tools we are using

as well as recommended resources that come from a reliable source but we haven' personally tried yet. 

In this way, we can each build a solid foundation (nest) for our families on truth, which comes from Jesus Christ (the rock) alone.



Want to find out if you have a Biblical worldview? 

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